2 day workshop on Rorschach Inkblot at Christ deemed to be University, Bengaluru
The Mind Research Foundation had the opportunity to conduct a two day workshop on 31st August and 1st September, 2018 at Christ deemed to be University to address the 2nd year Undergraduate students pursuing BSc. Psychology on Rorschach Inkblot Method (Exner’s Approach).
Concurrent sessions were held with a batch of 20 students each with Ms. Srijita and Ms. Satadeepa respectively.
A comprehensive overview of History, Development of Test, Different Systems of Rorschach Test, Administration, Scoring and Interpretation was covered for them in this workshop spread over 2 days. Both the days the sessions remained interactive and fruitful. Participants were quite engaged, inquisitive and actively participated in the tasks. In words of one of the facilitator. “I felt quite rewarded while addressing their doubts and queries.”
The hospitality from students and staff of Christ (deemed to be) University was very warm and comforting. Right from preparation to taking care of materials, logistics and our commute, the University Coordinators ensured every bit of assistance. The feedback forms collected after the two day workshop also were quite insightful in terms of knowing their likes and expectations. It was great to know that they felt enlightened about the topic and wanted more such workshops to be conducted by Mind Research Foundation at Christ (deemed to be) University.